Reservation of accommodation for year 2023/2024

Reservation of accommodation for the year 2023/2024

If you are already living in our dormitories, do not forget to book your accommodation for next year.

According to the new Accommodation schedule all current resident students, who are already accommodated at the dormitories of CU can prolong and request the new accommodation for the academic year 2023/2024 from 4th May 2023.

If you need to extend your stay and make the reservation for the next academic year, please, go to the Accommodation Office in your dormitory and pay the mandatory deposit of 5900 CZK.

After that, you get the new contract in the same office. Documents will not be issued without payment.

New international students with a visa duty may book accommodation at our dormitories via Student Affairs Departments at CU faculties from 4th May 2023. If you are an applicant for full-degree studies at CU or a new incoming student, please book your accommodation via the Student Affairs department of your faculty. CU faculties have allocated beds for the new academic year at our dormitories. You do not need to be worried. We count on foreign students and have enough places for new incomers.

Erasmus students at CU. For reservation of accommodation, please get in touch with the Erasmus Office at Charles University. There is a special capacity allocated for Erasmus students at our dormitories.

If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact us at

Last change: April 24, 2023 11:24 
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Charles University in Prague

Dormitories and Refectories

José Martího 407/2

162 00 Praha 6

Floor 3th and 4th

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