Orders can be placed for the period for which the menu is approved, typically for one or two weeks. For meals that were ordered but not taken, the charge is the same as for delivered meals. In the absence of a user, an order can be ordered/cancelled on the phone, unless the user can do it on the web page https://kamweb.ruk.cuni.cz/webkredit..
It’s solely up to the management of the catering whether this service will be enabled or not; if you find out that you can’t take your meal and the ordering process has already finished, you can offer your meal in the Meal auction. This can be done at any ordering spot, but no later than 5 minutes before the delivery of the said meal is finished. If someone books the meal in the auction, he/she will pay for it, and so you won’t be charged for your order.
From the 1st of October the ordering system on Refectory Šafránkův pavilon is changing. Meals on refectory Šafránkův pavilon, canteen Lidická and buffet LF Plzeň will be now only by order.
Meals must be ordered in advance in the required time. Meals must be ordered until 8:30 AM on the previous working day.
Ordering meals online with webkredit - manual