Opening hours of the Reservation department

Reservation office:

Address: Centrum Krystal, José Martího 407/2, 160 00 Praha 6

Open hours:

Monday - Thursday : 9,00 to 11,00 / 13,00 to 15,00

Friday : CLOSED

Reservation officers:

Kateřina Obstová,

Phone: + 420-771 136 544

Ivona Malá

Phone: + 420-770 141 704


Accommodation for university students, lecturers, Erasmus students, free movers, government stip, etc.

Accommodation of short-term/long-term fellowships, and accommodation for guests of faculties.

Electronic credit transfers, handling overpayments only cashless payments to student complaints

Last change: June 21, 2024 12:22 
Contact Us

Charles University in Prague

Dormitories and Refectories

José Martího 407/2

162 00 Praha 6

Floor 3th and 4th

How to Reach Us