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‹  April 2019  ›


12 June 2019 – 3 July 2019

Zkouška sirén

Dne 3.7.2019 v době od 12,00 do 12,15 hod. proběhne akustická zkouška sirén.


a siren test will take place on 3.7.2019 from 12,00 p. m. to 12,15 p. m.

29 January 2020

Notification of a planned outage GP webpay

We would like to inform you about the planned maintenance window of GP webpay.

The maintenance window will take place on 29.1.2020 from 1:00am till 6:00am (CET).

During this maintenance there will be no possibility to perform online payments.

3 February 2020

Re-opening of menza Arnošta z Pardubic

We would like to invite you to re-opening of menza Arnošta z Pardubic

7 February 2020

Due to operational reason Accommodation office at Hvězda will be closed

We would like to inform you that due to operational reason, accommodation office at Hvězda dormitory will be closed on 7th February 2020.

We will be opened on Monday February 10th

1 September 2021 – 31 December 2021

Pursuant to the Extraordinary Measure of the Ministry of Health

For more information click here.

21 October 2021

Update TaskPool 3p.m.-5p.m

For more information click here.

30 March 2022

Odstávka GP webpay EN

Odstávka proběhne dne 30.3.2022 od 01:30 do 03:30 (CET).

Po dobu odstávky může docházet k nedostupnosti internetové platby.

We would like to inform you about the planned maintenance window of GP webpay.

The maintenance window will take place on 30.3.2022 from 1:30 am till 3:30am (CET).

During this maintenance there will be no possibility to perform online payments.

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Charles University in Prague

Dormitories and Refectories

Zvoníčkova 1927/5

162 08 Prague 6

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