How should I pay for accommodation

Find our here, how you may pay your monthly rent:

1. Online "PUSH" payment debit/credit card payment via online link received by email

2. Bank transfer – ie. a one-time transfer or standing order

3. Direct debit payment - direct debit payment can be set up at any bank in the Czech Republic Republic - the most suitable, fastest way of payment for residents.

4. Credit/debit card payment - payment by credit/debit card directly in the dormitory accommodation office

5. Online payment at CRPP More information you will find here for czech language speaking students only

6. Payment by postal order A of Czech Post

Bank account number when you are accommodated in Prague, Plzen and Hradec Králové:


IBAN: CZ2208000000193093939319


Name and address of bank account holder:

Univerzita Karlova

Koleje a menzy

Zvoníčkova 5

162 08 Praha 6

Bank name and address:

Česká spořitelna, a.s.

Veřejný a neziskový sektor

Budějovická 1518/13b

140 00 Praha 4

!!!PLEASE, BE AWARE OFF!!! - we would kindly ask you to avoid to pay your payments via REVOLUT. Please use other payment methods.

Read more info here

Last change: December 8, 2023 14:32 
Contact Us

Charles University in Prague

Dormitories and Refectories

José Martího 407/2

162 00 Praha 6

Floor 3th and 4th

How to Reach Us