Ordering of meals using Android devices

Instructions to downoad and use the MobilKredit app on Android powered devicesl

since January 2013, meals served in the Charles University refectories can also be ordered using Android powered smartphones

The installation and use is very simple:

  1. Go to Google Play and find the app " Mobilní objednávání Kredit", or click the following link.


  2. install the app to the phone.

  3. run the app. The list of providers will open. Slect the provider "Univerzita Karlova, Praha". This step only occurs after the first installation.

  4. Log in to the app using the same username and password you use to enter the WebKredit system. The login and password will be generated for you at the cashboxes in the refectories.

Last change: June 10, 2015 13:47 
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